Dental Tips for Parents
  • Parents, limit the amount of sugary foods (like candy) or starchy foods (like pretzels) your children eat between meals. Instead, try having them eat an apple, banana, or carrot.
  • Children should use smaller brushes with shorter brushing planes in proportion to the size of their mouths. By the way, in addition to changing brush every three months or when the bristles appear worn, it's a good idea to toss those brushes after colds or sore throats!
  • Remember only a pea-sized drop of paste on your child’s brush is all that is necessary.
  • Sugar on the tooth surface is changed to acid within 5 minutes time. The acid acts to dissolve the tooth surface. This is when dental decay (cavities) can occur.
  • Important times to brush your teeth are in the morning after breakfast and at night before you go to bed. Make sure not to eat or drink after brushing your teeth at night.
  • One can of soda contains at least 9 tsp of sugar. Mountain Dew contains about 12 tsp. Soft drink purchases by schools nationwide have increased by 1,100% and dairy consumption has decreased by 30%.
  • Only 19% of girls aged 9-19 meet their daily recommended calcium allowance and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is calling for an increase in calcium consumption by all age groups.
  • Adolescent males consume most of their daily added sugar through carbonated soft drinks, and nearly 40% of preschool children drink up to 8.9 ounces of soda per day.